What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is the oldest form of spiritual practice known to Man. It has been practiced by indigenous cultures around the world for at least 40,000 years and has been studied by Anthropologists for decades. A core value of Shamanism is that everything is alive and embodies spirit. Therefore, it is understood by our ancestors that physical matter manifests from this place of spirit. Shamanism is a path of direct revelation, granting each and every individual access to guidance and healing from the realm of the spirit world. Shamanism is a way of life carrying the knowledge that we are not separate from each other and are all connected.
In order to access the realms of spirit, a Shaman will perform what is referred to as a Shamanic Journey. He/She may use drumming, rattling, and singing to alter brain wave patterns in order to reach an altered state of consciousness. This altered state enables the Shaman to become a bridge that connects matter with spirit, the seen with the unseen. In these invisible realms dwell our helping spirits. They are usually in the form of what is called a power animal or guardian, as well as teachers in human form. Having an open line of direct communication with these helping spirits, the Shaman can relay valuable information to and remove blockages for one who wishes to explore this timeless form of healing. Shamanism can address many forms of trauma as well as work to transform environmental pollution.
This ancient practice has evolved in order to be introduced into modern times to meet the needs of the people in our society. I have humbly learned Shamanic healing techniques in the tradition of tribal medicine men and women. Shamanism has greatly enhanced the beliefs that I already carried, while building my confidence, compassion, and feelings of belonging. Shamanism benefits people who continue to stay "blocked" and can enhance any physical treatment. I feel this really complements all other therapy and can act as a catalyst for healing. I have seen firsthand how treating the mind, body, and spirit as a whole produces almost unbelievable results. It is vital to our society to begin to address the spiritual aspect of illness that has all too often gone overlooked. We come from the light, we are the light, and we will return to the light!
For a more in-depth understanding of Shamanism, please read the article below by Sandra Ingerman.
In order to access the realms of spirit, a Shaman will perform what is referred to as a Shamanic Journey. He/She may use drumming, rattling, and singing to alter brain wave patterns in order to reach an altered state of consciousness. This altered state enables the Shaman to become a bridge that connects matter with spirit, the seen with the unseen. In these invisible realms dwell our helping spirits. They are usually in the form of what is called a power animal or guardian, as well as teachers in human form. Having an open line of direct communication with these helping spirits, the Shaman can relay valuable information to and remove blockages for one who wishes to explore this timeless form of healing. Shamanism can address many forms of trauma as well as work to transform environmental pollution.
This ancient practice has evolved in order to be introduced into modern times to meet the needs of the people in our society. I have humbly learned Shamanic healing techniques in the tradition of tribal medicine men and women. Shamanism has greatly enhanced the beliefs that I already carried, while building my confidence, compassion, and feelings of belonging. Shamanism benefits people who continue to stay "blocked" and can enhance any physical treatment. I feel this really complements all other therapy and can act as a catalyst for healing. I have seen firsthand how treating the mind, body, and spirit as a whole produces almost unbelievable results. It is vital to our society to begin to address the spiritual aspect of illness that has all too often gone overlooked. We come from the light, we are the light, and we will return to the light!
For a more in-depth understanding of Shamanism, please read the article below by Sandra Ingerman.
Shamanism: Healing of Individuals and the Planet